Doom 3 Weapons Mod Doom 2 Game

Doom 3 Weapons Mod Doom 2 Game Rating: 6,7/10 3349 votes

So I stumbled upon a thread asking if there are any mods that put the Doom 3 in weapons into Doom I/II. Well I found two on ModDB and I thought. What's the creature mod you're using for the demons in the weapon x mod it looks cool and wanna add it to Brutal doom game:)? It's part of the X-Weapon mod.

Doomzone weapons mod for Doom 2 by Silent Zorah quick links - aka main page Doomzone weapons mod! Summary REVIEW The Weapons Reviewed by: Sematary Title: Doomzone Weapons Mod Filename: Doomzone.pk3 Release date: ongoing Author: Silent Zorah Website Address: Go there (his website) for updated versions of the mod! How to use the mod: drag and drop the pk3 over zdoom (or gzdoom now) and play!

BTW - The screenies below are from my map, played using the engine. I've never actually reviewed a weapons mod before and honestly, this is much more than a plain old weapons mod. There is a new hud, new weapons and character classes who have all their own special abilities, types of weapons they can carry and use, etc.

VERY cool stuff! So, rather than a straight up review, I'm going to provide you with some thoughts on what I saw and experienced.

The HUD was ok, did the job. A bit more color perhaps. The weapons were excellent.

VERY well designed - I loved chewing up ammo and seeing the shells flying out of the chamber. And I haven't even tried all the different classes or weapons yet - So I can't WAIT to see what else awaits me.

I think I'm going to use it just for the hell of it when reviewing maps.:-) That should change things up a bit. So here's what I'm going to do - on the left will be MY screenshots.

On the right will be the screenshots of the various weapons and here in the center will be the explanations of the classes and weapons so you know what you're getting in to. To get the download, head over to Zorah's site and snap it up!. The Classes. Class: Infantry Specialty: Light Weaponry Starter: LS57 SMG Explosive: Frag Grenade Exotic: VC5 Arc Rifle Description: The recruit. Likely his first time in real combat.

Fairly accurate, but rarely steps outside his comfort zone. Good for most early situations. Arms: 1 - M32 Combat Knife 2 - StA-18 Semi-Automatic Pistol 3 - M4 Revolver 4 - M66 Silenced Machine Pistol 5 - LS57 Sub-Machine Gun 6 - M82SE Silenced Assault Rifle 7 - M224-A1 Light Machine Gun 8 - VC5 Arc Rifle 9 - StA-5X Arc Cannon Class: Gunner Specialty: Heavy Machine Guns Starter: M224-A1 LMG Explosive: Frag Grenade Exotic: VC21 Boltgun Description: The commando. Loves the feel of a heavy machine gun in his hands.

Good for suppression. Arms: 1 - M32 Combat Knife 2 - StA-18 Semi-Automatic Pistol 3 - VC8 Shotgun Pistol 4 - M224-A1 Light Machine Gun 5 - StA-11 Sub-Machine Gun 6 - StA-3 Minigun 7 - StA-2 Grenade Launcher 8 - VC21 Boltgun 9 - StA-5X Arc Cannon Class: Commander Specialty: Jack of All Trades Starter: StA-11 SMG Explosive: Frag Grenade Exotic: StA-X3 W.A.S.P. Description: The veteran. Has seen a lot of combat, proficient with a wide variety of weaponry. Good as a final line of defense. Arms: 1 - M32 Combat Knife 2 - StA-18 Semi-Automatic Pistol 3 - M4 Revolver 4 - StA-11SE Silenced Sub-Machine Gun 5 - LS-13 Combat Shotgun 6 - M82 Assault Rifle 7 - VC-9 Rocket Launcher 8 - StA-X3 W.A.S.P.

9 - StA-5X Arc Cannon Class: Demolition Specialty: Explosives Starter: LS13 Shotgun Explosive: Proximity Mine Exotic: M327 MGL Description: The demolition expert. When it absolutely must die or be destroyed, he's the man to call. Good for dealing heavy damage.

Arms: 1 - M32 Combat Knife 2 - StA-18 Semi-Automatic Pistol 3 - LS-13 Combat Shotgun 4 - StA-11 Sub-Machine Gun 5 - StA-52SE Silenced Light Assault Rifle 6 - StA-2 Grenade Launcher 7 - VC-9 Rocket Launcher 8 - M327 Multiple Grenade Launcher 9 - StA-5X Arc Cannon Class: Rifleman Specialty: Accuracy Starter: StA-14 Rifle Explosive: Proximity Mine Exotic: VC1 Flamethrower Description: The marksman. Prefers to line his shot up just right and inflict massive damage with a one-shot rifle. Good for sniping. Arms: 1 - M32 Combat Knife 2 - StA-18 Semi-Automatic Pistol 3 - VC8 Shotgun Pistol 4 - M66 Silenced Machine Pistol 5 - StA-14 Battle Rifle 6 - StA-52 Light Assault Rifle 7 - VC-32 Sniper Rifle 8 - VC-1 Flamethrower 9 - StA-5X Arc Cannon Class: Recon Specialty: Scavenging Starter: StA-52 Assault Carbine Explosive: Frag Grenade Exotic: None Description: The walking armory. Has no problem picking up a weapon with little to no training, a natural in the field. Uses the weapons he finds to their fullest potential. Good for versatility.

Arms: 1 - M32 Combat Knife 2 - StA-18 Semi-Automatic Pistol 3 - M4 Revolver 4 - StA-52 Light Assault Rifle 5 - M82 Assault Rifle 6 - LS-13 Combat Shotgun 7 - StA-11 Sub-Machine Gun 8 - M224-A1 Light Machine Gun 9 - StA-3 Minigun 0 - VC-9 Rocket Launcher Class: Colonel Specialty: Heavy Ordinance Starter: StA-3 Minigun Explosive: Teslite Grenade Exotic: VC5 Arc Rifle, VC21 Boltgun, M327 MGL, VC1 Flamethrower, StA-X3 W.A.S.P. Description: The hardcore. Carries a ton of heavy weaponry, commands authority from friend and foe alike. Good for laying the smackdown. Arms: 1 - FSK-7 Fury Knife 2 - StA-18 Semi-Automatic Pistol 3 - StA-3 Minigun 4 - LS-13 Combat Shotgun 5 - VC-32 Sniper Rifle 6 - VC21 Boltgun 7 - M327 Multiple Grenade Launcher 8 - VC1 Flamethrower 9 - VC5 Arc Rifle 0 - StA-X3 W.A.S.P. Class: Mercenary Specialty: Stealth, Range, and Explosives Starter: StA-52SE Assault Carbine Explosive: Incendiary Grenade Exotic: M327 Multiple Grenade Launcher, VC39 Accelerator Rifle Description: The soldier of fortune.

Unbound by such things as 'ethics' and 'rules of engagement,' the Mercenary works alone, and gets results. By any means necessary. Good for overwhelming hordes.

Arms: 1 - FSK-7 Fury Knife 2 - StA-18SE Silenced Semi-Automatic Pistol 3 - M66 Silenced Machine Pistol 4 - StA-52SE Silenced Light Assault Rifle 5 - LS57 Sub-Machine Gun 6 - LS18 Shredder Shotgun 7 - M224-A1 Light Machine Gun 8 - M33 Silenced Sniper Rifle 9 - M327 Multiple Grenade Launcher 0 - VC39 Accelerator Rifle Class: Elite Specialty: Demon Hunting Starter: M82 Assault Rifle Explosive: Frag Grenade Exotic: UAC14 'Super' Shotgun, 'Unmaker' Description: The badass. He's a man and a half, got a fist full of vertebrae and a head full of mad.

Good for utter annihilation of everything that moves. Arms: 1 - Fists UAC22 Combat Chainsaw 2 - StA-18 Semi-Automatic Pistol M82 Assault Rifle 3 - LS-13 Combat Shotgun UAC14 'Super' Shotgun 4 - StA-3 Minigun 5 - UAC7 Rocket Launcher 6 - UAC4-A2 Plasma Pulse Rifle 7 - StA-5X Arc Cannon 8 - Unknown Demonic Xenomorph - 'Unmaker'. The Weapons. M32 Combat Knife Type: Melee Damage:.

Speed:. Range:.

Magazine: N/A Class: Infantry, Gunner, Commander, Demolition, Rifleman, Recon Description: Basic standard issue combat knife. Great use as a stealth weapon, lots of power. Better than your fist, poor for sniping. FSK-7 Fury Knife Type: Melee Damage:.

Speed:. Range:.

Magazine: N/A Class: Colonel, Mercenary Description: Basic standard issue combat knife for Colonel class. Serrated combat knife specifically designed for ripping flesh. Hits twice per swing. Fists Type: Melee Damage:.

Speed:. Range:. Class: Elite Description: Balled up hands attached to wrists. Don't go down without a fight!! StA-18 Semi-Automatic Pistol Type: Secondary Damage:. Speed:.

Range:. Magazine: 12 Class: All Description: Basic standard issue pistol. Not much power, but makes a decent backup plan. You still need something better.

M4 Revolver Type: Secondary Damage:. Speed:.

Range:. Magazine: 6 Class: Infantry, Commander, Recon Description: Welcome back to the old west, Marine. The M4's magnum bullets have a tendency to make zombies, imps, and demons wish it weren't high noon. Now all you need is more bullets. M66 Machine Pistol Type: Secondary Damage:. Speed:.

Range:. Magazine: 18 Class: Infantry, Rifleman, Mercenary Description: Fully automatic machine pistol. What more could you want? How about a larger magazine.

VC8 Shotgun Pistol Type: Secondary Damage:. Speed:. Range:. Magazine: 3 Class: Gunner, Rifleman Description: Want a shotgun, but are too loaded down with heavy weapons? The shotgun pistol was designed for you! Three shells holding ten pellets each, the VC8 is a good option for those who find their pistols a little less.

LS57 Sub-Machine Gun Type: Primary Damage:. Speed:. Range:. Magazine: 40 Class: Infantry, Mercenary Description: Standard issue weapon for Infantry.

Fairly accurate, good for most situations. Includes both full-auto and three round burst fire. M82 Assault Rifle Type: Primary Damage:. Speed:. Range:.

Magazine: 32 Class: Infantry, Commander, Recon, Elite Description: Standard issue weapon for Elite. What it lacks in fire rate, it makes up for in power and accuracy. The definitive go-to weapon for serious Marines. M224-A1 Light Machine Gun Type: Primary Damage:. Speed:.

Range:. Magazine: 80 Class: Infantry, Gunner, Recon, Mercenary Description: Standard issue weapon for Gunner. Originally used only by the Marine Special Forces under the A3 revision, the M224-A1 boasts power, high fire rates, and a massive magazine. Hope you've got good shoulders, because recoil on this thing is a bitch. StA-11 Sub-Machine Gun Type: Primary Damage:.

Speed:. Range:.

Magazine: 48 Class: Gunner, Commander, Demolition, Recon Description: Standard issue weapon for the Commander. Tiny but effective, the StA-11 was developed as a solution for light infantry, close quarters engagements. Anything larger, though, and you'll want to find something better.

StA-2 Grenade Launcher Type: SpecOps Damage:. Speed:. Range:. Magazine: 1 Class: Gunner, Demolition Description: For when the StA-11 just can't cut it against the mobs, this break-action grenade launcher is sure to clear the path. Featuring 40mm HE slugs, it boasts a lot of power, at the cost of an excruciating reload time. StA-3 Minigun Type: Primary / SpecOps Damage:.

Speed:. Range:. Magazine: 96 Class: Gunner, Recon, Colonel, Elite Description: A big gun.

Not THE big gun, but close. Six rotating vented barrels means lots of bullets.

Enough to be considered an environmental hazard. Send them running! VC9 Rocket Launcher Type: SpecOps Damage:. Speed:. Range:. Magazine: 1 Class: Commander, Demolition, Recon Description: A huge tube of explosive death, the VC9 is capable of immobilizing almost any threat. With a kill radius of 10m, none can withstand the destructive power of the VC9.

LS13 Combat Shotgun Type: Primary Damage:. Speed:. Range:. Magazine: 8 Class: Commander, Demolition, Recon, Colonel Description: Standard issue weapon for Demolition. What arsenal would be complete without the devastating power of a shotgun? The LS13 is fully capable of obliterating almost every foe at point blank range, while still being fairly effective at medium range.

Damage is laughable at long range, and reload time's a massive pain. StA-52 Light Assault Rifle (LAR) Type: Primary Damage:. Speed:. Range:. Magazine: 40 Class: Demolition, Rifleman, Recon, Mercenary Description: Developed as a solution for close quarters engagement, the StA-52 LAR has a higher fire rate and larger magazine thant he M82 assault rifle, while accuracy and power takes a hit. However, with the eight extra rounds, the StA-52 proves to be every bit as formidable as the M82.

StA-14 Battle Rifle Type: Primary Damage:. Speed:. Range:. Magazine: 12 Class: Rifleman Description: Standard issue weapon for Marksman.

The veteran of the battlefield, with over 50 years of reliable service. The StA-14 is a semi-automatic high caliber rifle, showing its superior legacy design over today's modern 'toys.' Go show them how to pop a top, like a real soldier. VC32 Sniper Rifle Type: SpecOps Damage:. Speed:. Range:.

Magazine: 6 Class: Rifleman, Colonel Description: What? GO into combat? The VC32 is perfect for dominating the battlefield from your own little nest. With both 2x and 5x zoom, you can comfortably snipe down range at unsuspecting fools that dare cross your eye, you lovable sharpshooter, you. M33 Sniper Rifle Type: SpecOps Damage:.

Speed:. Range:. Magazine: 12 Class: Mercenary Description: For those who think manually cycling rounds is a pain in the ass, the M33 was designed for you. With a twelve round box magazine and semi-automatic trigger system, this sniper rifle has you covered at both close and long range. And if that wasn't awesome enough, this baby comes with a suppressor, so your target will never know what hit him. LS18 Shredder Shotgun Type: SpecOps Damage:. Speed:.

Range:. Magazine: 10 Class: Mercenary Description: Say goodbye to manually cycling rounds with the LS18 Shredder Shotgun. Fully automatic with ten rounds of buckshot and a drum magazine, the LS18 is perfect for riot control. However, due to its high fire rate, this shotgun's range suffers considerably, so get in close. UAC14 'Super' Shotgun Type: Exotic Damage:. Speed:.

Range:. Magazine: 2 (2 shells per shot) Class: Elite Description: Is one shotgun not enough for you? How about another? The UAC14 is the big daddy of shotguns, boasting enough stopping power to fell a Baron with only a few mere shots. Good news is, it uses the same ammo as the LS13.

Bad news is, you'll have to reload after every shot. Pick your scenario.

UAC22 Combat Chainsaw Type: Melee / Secondary Damage:. Speed:. Range:. Magazine: N/A Class: Elite Description: Ah, chainsaw. The great communicator.

Now with two blades, great for ripping those demons to shreds and groping your ex-girlfriend. UAC7 Rocket Launcher Type: SpecOps Damage:. Speed:. Range:.

Magazine: 5 Class: Elite Description: VC-9 not doing enough damage for you? Grab the UAC7 Rocket Launcher! Now with extended, five rocket magazines, and boasting every last bit of firepower!

UAC4-A2 Plasma Pulse Rifle Type: Primary Damage:. Speed:. Range:.

Magazine: 50 Class: Elite Description: An early prototype of UAC's modern Mk.3 plasma rifle, the UAC4-A2 pulse rifle is still more than formidable. This dated model doesn't need to cool down after firing, but it does require the user to switch out cells manually.

VC5 Arc Rifle Type: Exotic Damage:. Speed:. Range:. Magazine: 100 Class: Infantry, Colonel Description: Is shooting bullets just not cool enough for you? Grab an Arc Rifle and fry some people with lightning.

The Arc Rifle is capable of sending continuous streams of lightning into the battlefield, with a regenerating ammo pool every time it vents. However, the venting can not be interrupted, or else. Well, you don't want to know. VC21 Boltgun Type: Exotic Damage:.

Speed:. Range:. Magazine: 10 Class: Gunner, Colonel Description: Originally developed as a nailgun for construction, the VC21 was later outfitted with explosive bolts for military application. You finally get to play with dad's power tools. StA-X3 W.A.S.P. Type: Exotic Damage:. Speed:.

Range:. Magazine: 9 Class: Commander Description: This bad behemoth of a weapon is called M80's big brother, and for a reason. This missile launcher aggressively tracks its targets, near or far, and delivers a devastating payload of explosive death. Fires in both full-auto and burst fire modes, so make sure you've got a good visual. M327 Multiple Grenade Launcher Type: Exotic Damage:.

Speed:. Range:. Magazine: 6 Class: Demolition, Colonel Description: Break action grenade launcher? Pfft, that's lame. Go into combat with the M327 instead.

With the M327, you get 6 times the ammunition as the StA-2, with a much higher fire rate. Go paint those corridors a pretty red paint job.

VC1 Flamethrower Type: Exotic Damage:. Speed:. Range:.

Magazine: 100 Class: Rifleman, Colonel Description: For the pyromaniac in all of us. The VC1 spews burning, liquid fuel all over any unfortunate soul that stands in your way. Why put a bullet in them? Make them scream, crying for mercy as their flesh melts from their bones. VC39 Accelerator Rifle Type: Exotic Damage:.

Doom 3 Weapons Mod

Speed:. Range:. Magazine: 9 Class: Mercenary Description: What's worse than getting hit with a sniper bullet? Three rounds of explosive payload from a thousand meters away, that's what. The VC39 is capable of burst firing a lethal plasma payload over long distances at high velocity.

But due to this overwhelming power, the weapon must charge before obliterating your enemy's face. Unknown Demonic Xenomorph - 'Unmaker' Type: Exotic Damage:. Speed:. Range:.

Magazine: Unknown Class: Elite Description: Not much is known about this strange, fleshy beast, other than its use as some sort of weapon. It seems to speak in some demonic language when it switches attack modes, but researchers have experienced heavy fatigue, dizziness, fainting, and even death while using it. Handle at your own risk! StA-5X Arc Cannon Type: Exotic Damage:. Speed:.

Range:. Magazine: 100 Class: Infantry, Gunner, Commander, Demolition, Rifleman, Colonel Description: The heaviest of heavy ordinance. This prototype plasma cannon is capable of reducing nearly EVERYTHING in a 30m radius to red chunks. And if that weren't enough, the bastard is upgradable with amplifier, power current, and ventilation mods.


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Doom is a series of sci-fi action/horror games from, starting with Doom in 1993, and continuing with Doom 3 and Doom (2016). In Doom, you play as a space marine tasked with defeating the unleashed demonic forces of Hell, using a variety of heavy weapons and your own skill against the invading hordes. Doom codified and revolutionized First-Person Shooters, and remains one of the most influential games in the genre. Feel free to also discuss Doom-engine games such as Heretic, Hexen, and Strife, and any others.

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