Microsoft Monthview Control 6.0 (sp4)

Microsoft Monthview Control 6.0 (sp4) Rating: 5,6/10 7780 votes
  1. Microsoft Monthview Control 6.0 Excel 2010 Download
  2. Install Microsoft Monthview Control 6.0

Hi Guy, Your findings are correct with MS Office 2010, the Calendar Control is no longer available. See below thread: Which states: Calendar control (mscal.ocx) was a Microsoft Access feature that could be used in Access worksheets. Calendar control is removed in Access 2010 and is not usable for Excel 2010. Instead, users can use Date Picker or their own custom calendar controls. However still possible to use the old version, to accomplish this, see below thread. Note: that this ocx is strictly for 32-bit Windows and can't be registered in 64-bit Windows. Hope this helps, Daniel van den Berg Washington, USA 'Anticipate the difficult by managing the easy'.


Oct 29, 2016 Date picker is missing again in Excel 2010, full installation (windows XP). I have been able to set up the Date Picker control 6.0 using developer tab. Visual Studio 6.0 MonthView Control. Install the MSCOMCT2.OCX file in the user's Microsoft Windows System or System32 directory. More Microsoft Monthview Control 6.0 (sp4) videos.

Re: GetYourOwnDate (Date Picker) Excel add-in The right-click popup menu within a Table is a separate menu from that displayed when right-clicking a cell outside a Table. Just right-click a cell outside the table and display the Date Picker then click a cell within the table and insert your date.

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Microsoft Monthview Control 6.0 Excel 2010 Download

If the Table consists of numbers you will have to change the cell format to display a date. (i may change that in the next release). The current release has been modified so that dates prior to 1900 can be inserted (as text). '- Jim Cone download the free date picker from. Hi DaniShani Sorry if I am jumping in to the string Can you please HELP?

I have been able to set up the Date Picker control 6.0 using developer tab on my laptop at home, but when I email to my inbox at work and try and open, I get a large 'red X' in the box, if I try and see the properties, the properties window when I go in to Developer Design Mode Properties the list is different. Also if I try and create a new 'Date Picker' and create a box, a window appears 'cannot create object' A colleague has mentioned employees have been deliberately stopped from running VBA's and Add Ins, Can you please help me work round this?? If you are not able to run VBA nor add-ins then you are certainly not going to be allowed to add the control to the operating system nor register it to enable it to work. The control is not available in the 64 bit versions of Windows.

Install Microsoft Monthview Control 6.0


It can be made available and will work with 32 bit versions of Office only, but it requires access to the operating system and this is going to get you into trouble with your employers. It might be better to use a VBA date picker (if you can get permission to do so). The one I like to use is the one produced by Trevor Eyre and available from Graham Mayor - Word MVP.

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